Gather Your Memories of the Forgotten City in Second Life

Forgotten City (general)

It’s been one of my favourite locations on the grid for many years. Jeanne Dibou’s fabulous Forgotten City is a magical place, maintained by the automatons left behind when the residents abandoned it.

Forgotten City (general)

I’ve posted multiple times about this destination, the JD Mechanical Toy Factory, and Jenne. She’s the talent who created my house. I am obviously emotionally attached to the place.

Forgotten City (general)

It was, you’ll understand, sad news to me that the sim is being sold. We have another week or so to poke around and gather enough memories to sustain us.

Forgotten City (general)

If you’ve never been – you must go!! Forgotten City is full of characters, vignettes, mechanical bridges, a tugboat that will give you a tour, air vehicles that will take you around, big buildings, small alleys, and machines of all sizes and descriptions.

Take the time to explore this amazing City. Enjoy!

Forgotten City (general)

My First Taste of Fall in Second Life & Upcoming Weather Drama

Apple Fall (moderate)

It’s that time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway) when sim owners’ thoughts turn to autumn. We’ll see more and more of the orange/yellow/brown colour schemes in the coming months, but right now Apple Fall’s home island is a good location to try out your new fall wardrobe.

Apple Fall (moderate)

I’ve been thinking a lot about weather lately and, in particular, the upcoming fall and winter. Here, in my real life section of the west coast of North America, we have been bombarded with dire – yet vague – warnings for months.

The whole thing can be boiled down to something that sounds like the title of a bad movie – EL NIÑO vs THE BLOB.

Apple Fall (moderate)

The first protagonist is one I’m sure you’ve heard of. The Pacific Ocean warms up and our weather turns wetter, or dryer, but definitely warmer. Other things happen in other places.

The second character is new. People, who like to pay attention to these things, have been watching a patch of ocean off our coast about the size of British Columbia and about 100m deep. It’s been hanging around for a while and it’s unusually warm. The technical term for it, apparently, is The Blob.

It seems that some kind of drama will happen when they meet for the first time.

Apple Fall (moderate)

I have some questions about this. Will there be a countdown clock? We have to schedule our lives, so some information would be helpful.

I assume this will be an event, not a process, in which case – will it be livestreamed? Who is doing that? We all have to start thinking about viewing parties.

I’ll be very disappointed if the two creatures meet and our new Overlords don’t rise from the deep. With that in mind, what does one wear to this kind of thing and will there be subtitles?

Apple Fall (moderate)

Make the World Go Away in Second Life

Babys Ear (adult)

Sometimes you want the real world to go away for a while, it can be very ugly. These thoughts, of course, reminded me of the song. For those who remember it, I haven’t linked to the Eddy Arnold version. Instead I went back to the original by the fabulous Timi Yuro. :)

Babys Ear (adult)

My escape route is inworld – a chance to play with the camera. I got lucky today and discovered that Neva Crystall’s new home sim is open to us (I thought I’d missed it after seeing Inara’s post, but something obviously changed).

Babys Ear (adult)

Neva has a welcoming message for us: Welcome to Neva’s Baby’s Ear, my home away from home. There are no fences nor ban lines throughout the sim, so let free your wanderlust and enjoy your stay.

Also, for those convinced that everything labelled adult somehow means there will be sex and violence … nope not a whit of either here.

Babys Ear (adult)

One of the reasons taking pics tends to let me escape other thoughts is that there are a lot of details to keep in mind. I have to focus.

For example, I hate the typical horizon we often get in shots. The next image is a good illustration of what happens when I forget one of the details and don’t derender the water. It would have been a much better image. sigh

Babys Ear (adult)